#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> class DEPOSITOR { int acno; char name[30]; int balance; public: void getdata(void); void showdata(void); void deposit(int); void withdraw(int); }; void DEPOSITOR::deposit(int d_amt) { balance = balance + d_amt; } void DEPOSITOR::withdraw(int w_amt) { if (w_amt > balance) cout << "No sifficient Amount in the Account"<<endl; else balance = balance - w_amt; } void DEPOSITOR::getdata() { cout<<"Enter Account No : "; cin >>acno; cout<<"Enter the Name : "; cin >>name; cout<<"Enter Amount : "; cin >>balance; } void DEPOSITOR::showdata() { cout.setf(ios::left,ios::adjustfield); cout<<setw(5)<<acno; cout<<setw(20)<<name; cout<<setw(10)<<balance<<endl; } void main() { DEPOSITOR d; int opt, ac; int a_amt; fstream file; file.open("DEPOSITOR.DAT", ios::in | ios::out); clrscr(); do { d.getdata(); file.write((char*)&d, sizeof(d)); flushall(); cout<<"Enter 1 to Continue..."; cin>>opt; } while(opt==1); file.seekg(0); while (1) { cout<<"Menu"<<endl; cout<<"1. Deposit"<<endl; cout<<"2. Withdrawal"<<endl; cout<<"3. View"<<endl; cout<<"4. Exit"<<endl; cout<<"Enter Your Option : "; cin>>opt; if(opt==4) break; if(opt==1) { cout<<"Enter The Account Number : "; cin>>ac; cout<<"Enter The Amount to be Deposited : "; cin>>a_amt; int loc = (ac - 1)*sizeof(d); file.seekg(loc); file.read((char*)&d,sizeof(d)); if(file.eof() != 0) break; d.showdata(); d.deposit(a_amt); d.showdata(); file.seekp(loc); file.write((char*)&d, sizeof(d)); flushall(); } if(opt==2) { cout<<"Enter The Account Number : "; cin>>ac; cout<<"Enter The Amount to be Withdrew : "; cin>>a_amt; int loc = (ac - 1)*sizeof(d); file.seekg(loc); file.read((char*)&d,sizeof(d)); if(file.eof() != 0) break; d.showdata(); d.withdraw(a_amt); d.showdata(); file.seekp(loc); file.write((char*)&d, sizeof(d)); flushall(); } if(opt==3) { cout<<"Enter The Account Number : "; cin>>ac; int loc = (ac - 1)*sizeof(d); file.seekg(loc); file.read((char*)&d,sizeof(d)); if(file.eof() != 0) break; d.showdata(); } } cout<<"==================================================="<<endl; file.close(); }Please do modifications and send to mes.murugan@gmail.com
Write a program in CPP to automate a banking system by facilitating creation of accounts, deposit, withdrawal and searching using files. Use an appropriate Bank class.
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